Plows – Slow Go

                     (Elk Creek Crossing)  Did they forget about us, or are City of Omaha road crews that swamped? It’s probably the latter. But as of 6 p.m. Thursday night, snow plows hadn’t cleared our neighborhood streets from this week’s major snow blast. Wonder if Elkhorn had to wait like us?

National Weather Service Meterologists in Valley reported difficulty in measuring snowfall amounts due to wind-whipped snow drifts that averaged 4-6 feet in places.  Light snow began on December 7th, continuing through the day on the December 8th, before ending overnight on the 9th.

Even 4-wheel drive vehicles faced challenges getting in and out of Elk Creek Crossing, so imagine what some of the close-to-the-ground vehicles encountered! Several streets did get cleared, though, thanks to snow plowing by residents. 

Still, the December snow storm brought smiles to children’s faces. After all, the area’s major school’s closed, not for one day, but, wowee – three: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. These children, Dylan Brezack, age 11, and 10-year-old Brandan Grobaugh got creative with the snow drifts by shoveling a cave into a huge pile of snow alongside the sidewalk.

Update: A Neighbor reported that a city of omaha subcontractor did come through to clear our neighborhood streets of snow sometime overnight Thursday.